

Our network of cooperation gets stronger! It is our pleasure to announce Croptivate as a new stakeholder in the NANOPLANT project. Croptivate is renowned for producing top-class fertilizers and biostimulants for agricultural markets, with its base in the Netherlands and production facilities in Germany. Our collaboration with Croptivate will focus on two key areas: developing new green formulations for sustainable agriculture and biostimulant/biocide-plant interactions.

INTERMAG sp. z o. o.

We are very pleased to welcome INTERMAG sp. z o. o. as a stakeholder in the Nanoplant project. The main activity of the company is the development and production of modern preparations for agriculture and it is one of the largest producers of fertilizers and biostimulants. We will take the opportunity to better understand farmers’ expectations and discuss our ideas for the development of a nano-fertilizer and the elaboration of joint proposals in this field of research.


On July 14, 2023, the the NANOPLANT Team organized a brainstorming session on the premisses of the Institute of Plant Genetics PAS. The aim of the meeting was scientific interaction. As a result of this event, on July 19,  2023, the ERA Chair Holder, Innovation Broker, Project Coordinator and the Director of the IPG PAS had a meeting with the representatives of the uFraction8 company, an SME developing microfluidics-based filter systems as a solution to help bio-manufacturers to harvest their products with energy-efficient and scalable bioprocessing systems. Many areas of cooperation between NANOPLANT and this SME have been discussed. 

Knowledge transfer and spill-over

In order to increase staff’s knowledge on Intellectual Property Issues, support actions will be undertaken such as IPR seminars, IPR consultancy meetings. Close cooperation between the innovation broker and researchers is planned to develop the knowledge transfer plan. Additionally, stakeholder events enhancing innovation will be organised (representatives of industry, academia, NGOs and governmental organisations will be invited to present their views on the issues related to plant nanotechnology to become engaged into a discussion, generate ideas and initiate collaborations; key conclusions will be published in a press release). Participation in various  networking activities is foreseen to build up new intersectoral and international contacts.